ECON B100 Principles of Microeconomics, 3 crs
This course is an introduction to economic analysis: efficiency and equity; production and exchange; costs, supply, and demand; markets, organizations, and government; competition, cooperation, and coercion; and international trade.
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: MATH A115 or equivalent ALEKS placement
ECON B101 Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 crs
This course is an introduction to various theories of inflation and unemployment; economic growth; money, banking, and financial intermediation; interest rates; business cycles; exchange rates, trade balances, and the balance of payments; deficits and the national debt; monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, income, and regulatory policies; and national income, product, and international payments accounting.
Prerequisites: ECON B100
Economics majors and minors must earn a grade of C or above in the relevant prerequisite courses to fulfill the prerequisite requirements marked * below.
ECON B205 Intermediate Microeconomics, 3 crs
This course is an analysis of market and firm coordination; the theory of consumer behavior and demand; the theory of supply; competition; the pricing of goods and resources; and government policies.
Prerequisites: MATH A116 or MATH A257, ECON B100*, sophomore standing
ECON B206 Intermediate Macroeconomics, 3 crs
This course considers various theories concerning the functioning of the macroeconomy: Classical and PreKeynesian, Keynesian and the Neoclassical Synthesis, Monetarism, Supply-Side, Fisher's Debt-Deflation Theory, Post Keynesian including Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis, and Austrian. Also covered briefly are Rational Expectations, Real Business Cycles, New Keynesianism, and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium theories.
Prerequisites: MATH A116 or MATH A257, ECON B101*, sophomore standing
ECON B305 International Economics, 3 crs
This course considers exchange rate systems; international monetary arrangements; adjustments in international disequilibrium situations; relationships among rates of exchange, inflation, interest, and unemployment; and domestic and international economic policies. It also considers various theories of competitive advantage in international trade, the nature and effects of commercial policies, and international economic integration.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
Cross-listing: INTB B305
ECON B325 The Market Process, 3 crs
This course serves as an introduction to subjectivist economics. Primary emphasis is on the Austrian School. Topics covered include history and methodology; the market process and intervention; capital and interest; money, credit, and the financial system; and business cycles.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B330 Law and Economics, 3 crs
This course is an economic analysis used to consider the effects of legal rules upon people’s actions. Alternative rules are considered, with particular attention paid to the differing effects each is likely to have on the structure of incentives, and thus on human actions.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B335 Economic Development, 3 crs
This course considers the disparity of material well-being among the masses of people in different countries. Topics include causes of poverty and wealth; nature of economic growth; the roles of the state, markets, and social and cultural institutions in economic development.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
Cross-listing: INTB B335
ECON B340 History of Economic Thought, 3 crs
This course discusses the origins and evolution of the history of economic ideas and theories. Topics may include ancient and medieval thought, Roman and early Christian thought, the mercantilists, the physiocrats, Adam Smith and the Classical economists, Karl Marx, the marginal revolution, the Keynesian revolution, and contemporary economics.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B345 Labor Economics, 3 crs
This course is an overview of diverse topics in economics which deal specifically with labor market issues. Topics include the supply and demand of labor; human capital theory; migration and mobility; the job search process; employment and unemployment; unions; compensation issues; discrimination; and earnings and income distribution.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B350 Industrial Organization and Public Policy, 3 crs
This class investigates the nature of firms and industries: Why firms exist and why firms have diverse organizational structures; why industry structures differ; competition and monopoly; firm behavior; transaction cost theory; and the effects of antitrust policy.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B360 Econometrics I - Linear Models, 3 crs
This is an intermediate level statistics course. After a brief overview of statistics, the course covers least squares estimation, statistical inference, diagnostic methods, selection and evaluation of functional form, and simultaneous equations estimation. The course focuses more on applied work than on its theoretical underpinnings. Students are actively involved with computer exercises in this course, using the STATA software program. Students will complete a comprehensive statistical research project.
Prerequisites: DECS B205*, ECON B101, junior standing
Cross-listing: DECS B360
ECON B365 Econometrics II - Time Series, 3 crs
This course is an advanced level statistics course focusing on time-series models. The course covers how to detect, estimate, and make valid inferences from univariate, multivariate, and potentially panel data. Classic univariate models may include autoregressive, moving average, integrated, and distributed lag models; multivariate models may include vector autoregressions and cointegrated models; panel-data models include panel-VARs. The course focuses more on applied work than on its theoretical underpinnings. Students are actively involved with computer exercises in this course, using the STATA software program. Students will complete a comprehensive statistical research project.
Prerequisites: ECON B360*, junior standing
Cross-listing: DECS B365
ECON B493 Special Topics in Economics, 3 crs
This course designation is applied to topical electives in Economics offered on an irregular basis.
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing
ECON B499 Independent Study in Economics, 3 crs
Prerequisites: ECON B205*, ECON B206*, junior standing, overall GPA of 2.0
See description in College of Business Overview
ECON H295 Honors Topics in Economics 3, crs
This course designation is applied to topical electives in Economics offered for the University Honors Program.